Who we are.

We received our first set of drums at 10 years of age, and haven’t looked back since. Born prematurely in the spring of 1995, We lost all vision at the age of six but didn’t let that stop us from playing music. As a child our favorite thing was to bang and beat on pots and pans in our grandparents kitchen. We would sit on our grandpas lap as he'd tap out beats to songs for us. We fell in love with the drums after being introduced to the band Rush and many others. We've won many talent contests and were a hometown hero until we moved from Kentucky in the winter of 2017. Living in saint louis for many years we worked mainly as a studio musician and produced albums for artists via the web and file sharing. Now that we've moved from saint louis to Oregon we're hopeful that we can find a band that needs a drummer. Over the years We have played in several bands, written our own music, and recorded drums for a number of people.

Copyright 2024: Kyle Smith